Scaling up RPA and CoE for Smart Automation


HfS New York Service Buyers Summit


Sydney, Melbourne

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Organisations have tested the waters and experimented with RPA for the last 2 years with Proof of concepts (PoCs) and small-scale RPA implementation.


This year “Scaling up RPA and CoE for Smart Automation” will be major focus for these organisations. We recently hosted a boardroom lunch on this topic with Sumeet Pathak, Head of RPA CoE for Societe Generale, leading European Financial Institution. He has recently set up the Smart Automation CoE and automated more than 200 processes. He was previously part ANZ Group RPA CoE.


Details of the boardroom lunch are as follows:


Topic: Scaling up RPA and CoE for Smart Automation 


  1. Welcome Note
  2. Latest Trends in RPA by Mohit Sharma, Managing Director, Mindfields (5 mins)
  3. Scaling up RPA and extending the scope of CoE by Sumeet Pathak, Head of Smart Automation, CoE, Societe Generale (35 mins)
  4. Open discussion, Q&A and working lunch (40 mins)
  5. Closing Remarks & Thank You Note (5 mins)
  6. Networking (Optional) (30 mins)