MF Post Webinar Creative-01

Hon Stephen Dawson MLC

Minister for Emergency Services; Innovation and ICT; Medical Research; Volunteering Member for Mining and Pastoral Region


Minister for Emergency Services; Innovation and ICT; Medical Research; Volunteering Member for Mining and Pastoral Region

Keynote address

Minister Dawson delivers interesting insights and anecdotes to kick start the summit. Keynote address covers the following:

  • Formal and traditional acknowledgement to the Traditional Owners of the land, the Whadjuk Nyoongar people.
  • Formal acknowledgements to Yaz Mubarakai MLA, Mindfields, Sponsors and speakers
  • Welcoming the attendees (in person and virtual)
  • Current state and future direction of technology in WA and global economy
  • How McGowan government is supporting innovation and AI
  • Why responsible AI principles are an important feature for the government